Friday, January 11, 2013

So Me!

I got the sweetest Christmas gift
this year.
It's from my far-away friend,
who I've yet to meet.
You know it's a great friend
when you receive a package
and your husband knows
that Sarah lives in Chicago!
(Scott doesn't know much
about my faraway friends.)

either I'm an open book,
or she knows me very well,
or even a little of both,
but isn't this 
sooooo me?????

Each charm is sooo me!
A shoe,
a handbag,
a wine glass
and a T.
(Apparently she could not find a book or dagger.)

Isn't it awesome?

what better place
to keep the bracelet safe in the evenings
then it's own box.

Don't I have the best friends?


Susan Anderson said...

Yes, it's so you.
And so CUTE, too.


PS. Love the box as well...

Darlene said...

wow! What a lovely Christmas gift. And, what a lovely friend.

SarahMarie said...

I'm so glad you liked it. :)