Saturday, February 22, 2014

100 Happy Days

About a week ago,
a friend of mine posted on Facebook
how she got her luggage wrapped for free
at Jo'burg airport.
She hashtagged her post with

I thought.

The next day,
she posted again about meeting a friend
and again 
there was

Well now I want to know what's going on.
Someone commented to her about this
and she replied how she was starting
her happy journey.

Wanting to know more
I looked it up and found what
is all about. 

So here's the deal
for 100 days
you take a picture of something that makes you happy
and you share it.
Sounds easy
Well here's the thing.
70% of those people who start the challenge
do not complete it.
They either forget.
Or don't find something that made them happy.
Or cheat.
Cheat you ask?
Well yes.
Not intentionally.
But think of it this way.
I have a great day 
and have some great moments.
I share one of them today
and think of sharing the other one 
But then is that really another day of happiness?

The idea is to find something 
each day.
Not a whole bunch of things on one day
and spread it out for the days you have nothing.

Think you can do it?
Care to join me?

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