Monday, July 6, 2015

Luckiest Girl Alive - Jessica Knoll

I finished reading 
Luckiest Girl Alive
this afternoon,
and am still decided how I feel.

It's one of those books that grip you.
That make you feel.
That messes with your emotions.
I had to put the book down several times,
because I could feel my mood turning dark.
And that darkness stayed with me
for an hour or so.

Ani FaNelli seems to have it all.
She's a writer for Woman's Magazine. 
She's engaged to a wealthy man.
She has great clothes.
She's skinny
(although she complains about how fat she is).
But this doesn't seem to be her.
Earlier on, 
she lets it be known that she works hard to be who is she.
She's fake.

But in high school,
something terrible happened to TifAni.
This is what has contributed to who she is today.
And just when you think you know the full story,
you don't.

And the ending....
can someone help me understand it?

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