Sunday, January 4, 2015

Seeking - Madeline Freeman

It's a new year. 
Time for a new reading challenge.
And to start the year,
I've read 
Book 2 of The Naturals.
I found Awakening
hard to review and felt it was lacking something,
but that doesn't mean I couldn't give
Seeking a try. 

Morgan is now training with the Watchers.
Along with her friends,
and fellow Naturals,
Corbin, Lucas and Lia,
they hope to gain control of their powers.

Morgan has a full plate.
She's busy training.
She wants to find her mother.
She knows Orrick and the Veneret will stop
at nothing to get her.
She learns the prophecy calls for a fourth Natural,
and is determined to find him/her.
And then there's her best friend,
Ris and Corbin are sorta, kinda, but not really dating.
Morgan sorta, kinda has feelings for him
And for the first time ever,
she's lying to her best friend
about almost everything.

I was able to get into this one,
a lot better than
and am looking forward to the conclusion.

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