Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Phoenix - Dawn Rae Miller

Well... the end has come.
Phoenix is the last in 
The Sensitives trilogy.
I'll admit,
I was nervous.
I have loved the last two books
and was very sad it see it come to an end.
I was terrified I'd be disappointed.
Don't get me wrong,
Dawn Rae Miller 
has never disappointed.
the last few trilogies I've read
have left me feeling disappointed.

This one did not!

Phoenix answers all your questions.
And it does so,
You know someone close to Lark
is responsible for her mother's death
and the attacks on her.
And I had to read it very slowly.
These are characters I love.
What if Beck, Ryker, or Kyra was behind all this?
Could I handle it?
And Annalise,
well, I started not liking her,
but then liked her.
What if she were behind it all?
Could I go back to disliking her?

Not to worry.
The way it's written makes the shock
less hurtful.
You feel betrayed,
but understand it.

And the ending,
it's perfect.

if you're one of those people 
that have yet to read this trilogy
what are you waiting for?
Head over here
and get started!

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