Tuesday, September 11, 2012

52 Weeks of Happiness - Week 27

Last week,
I suddenly realized
that I had not done any marking.
Since the beginning of the school year.
I know.
Pretty sad.

Since it was not Scott's weekend home,
I figured I could get a lot accompished.

I promised Ethan a pizza and movie night,
Friday night.
So while he enjoyed his pizza
while watching TV,
I did some marking.

After he went to bed,
I did some marking.

On Saturday,
he went swimming with our neighbours.
Guess what I did?

And Saturday night
I finished all my marking.

So, Sunday morning,
after making Ethan his waffles,
I grabbed a latte
and my Kindle
and enjoyed the morning
out in the sun.

Ok yes, it's my iPad. Scott has my Kindle, but I do have the Kindle app.

Happiness is a latte and a book
on a Sunday morning.


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Congrats on getting all the marking done. I love reading but with tea.

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

I am with you...a great day always includes a book somehow.
Laurie @ Pride in Photos

Susan Anderson said...

Sounds like my sister. She goes on marathon sessions of marking, too.


Darlene said...

I'm not exactly sure just what marking is, but I assume it is something that all teachers do, since Sue says that Nikki does it too and she is also a teacher. I just had a thought, is it correcting papers?

Sorry, I don't seem to be too bright tonight.