Thursday, July 1, 2010


Webster's Dictionary defines the word tradition as: 1 a : an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. Scott and I never had any real traditions.... until Ethan came along.

Ethan's birthday is the day after Canada Day. If we lived in Canada, I would tell Ethan that the fireworks every Canada Day are to celebrate his birthday the next day. Teeheehee. On Ethan's first Canada Day, Scott and I decided to take Ethan to Spurs. He was eating solid food for 6 months by then. We thought he could munch away on some chips (fries) and then we'd treat him to his very own ice cream sundae. Until this day, Ethan never enjoyed his own sundae. He always shared either Scott's or my ice cream. Well..... Ethan was utterly delighted. We decided to make this a Canada Day tradition.

Today is July 1st. Happy Canada Day!!! Ethan is all decked out in his Canada gear, and off to Spurs we went.

Four years later, and he still loves it.

Happy Canada Day everyone!


Faiza said...

Happy Canada Day!

Eileen said...

Enjoy starting your own traditions. Life is yours for the taking. what a sweet boy you have!