Why have I just found this book now?
I bought this book last summer,
but only got to it now.
A mate of mine in Dar
had read this,
and loved it.
Then I read another blog
(sorry cannot recall which one)
last year,
where the teacher praised this book.
So of course,
I had to give it a try to.
Let me tell you,
I have found a new spelling program.
Last week I gave my students the
Primary Spelling Assessment
they recommend.
And wow!
I cannot believe what I learnt.
I don't just see how my kids are spelling
but I can also see how they think about words.
I'm not a believer in giving kids
a list of words for them to memorise
then regurgitate on a Friday spelling test.
They memorise these words
yet spell them wrong when actually using them.
This program talks about having students sort the words.
Let them discover patterns and rules.
It fits in well with the inquiry philosophy
of the PYP.
I'm thrilled to have discovered this program!