Tuesday, July 31, 2012

52 Weeks of Happiness - Week 21

Ethan and I hopped on a plane
and returned to Lusaka
Thursday morning.
Friday morning,
Scott and I hopped on a plane
to Cape Town
to celebrate Mel's
40th birthday.

Scott & Mel
Friday night,
we went to The Reserve for dinner.
Mel had masks for everyone
and boas for the ladies.

Scott & I

Gary & I

We had a great dinner.
Gary introduced me to
Red Bull & Champagne.

Red Bulls all lined up.
There was good food
and great drinks.

Chocolate infused tequila

My collection
It was Fashion Week in Cape Town,
so we were entertained with a fashion show,

before the dancing began.

we headed for some wine tasting.

Happiness is celebrating a mate's birthday.


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Sounds like a great time. How was the champagne and redbull? Sounds like an odd combo.

Susan Anderson said...

Looks good!

Except for the Red Bull and champagne. That seems like a lethal combo!


Kim said...

How wonderful!! It looks like a fantastic time was had by all. Um, chocolate infused tequila? No thank you.

Darlene said...

Well, I'm glad you are back home safely. It sounds as if you and Scott had a great time in Cape Town. I'll bet he was really happy to have you and Ethan back!